We all at Betterify very strongly believe in the Financial Freedom of all individuals. In that spirit we are trying to make Financial Education and Financial Management Education as simple as possible.
The following Web App caters to the needs of investment in stock market and stock analysis of the Indian Stock Market. This Web App is free to use and we are trying hard to keep it FREE FOREVER.
Nifty 50 Shares Analysis is a Web App that covers all the scrips in the Nifty 50 Index (50 scrips). Please see the App in action below:
Nifty 50 Shares Analysis
The NIFTY 50 is a diversified 50 stock index accounting for 13 sectors of the economy. It is used for a variety of purposes such as benchmarking fund portfolios, index based derivatives and index funds. The NIFTY 50 Index represents about 62% of the free float market capitalization of the stocks listed on NSE as on September 30, 2022. The total traded value of NIFTY 50 index constituents for the last six months ending September 2022 is approximately 41% of the traded value of all stocks on the NSE.
You may also like to see the App in action in the browser. It is device responsive and mobile friendly:
See in BrowserYou are FREE to embed the Web App in your websites and blogs without modifying the Copyrights. Find the embed code below:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" height="400px" src="https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwA4SZqQqR8EtDr17mXHOjagIfh9CdMFQV-8XidRhXzYSKr1UUmUgJrQGCYSvPh_CBXEQ/exec" style="border: 0px #ffffff none;" width="100%"></iframe>
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